miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018



YOU ARE A JELLYFISH: Do you think humans and jellyfish have things in common? we are nearly cousins!!

WORLD CUP SOCCER Football is everywhere..specially if it is about the world cup!!!

WIGGLI WORMS. Find about these amazing creatures...

MY SLEEP. What happens in your brain when you are sleeping?

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FLUSH. When you flush the toilet...where does water go???

THOMAS EDISON. Read about the inventor of the lightbulb or the phonograph (the grandfather of the MP3 player). Did you know he was a very bad student at school?

STORY OF THE STATUE.  read about the Ststue of Liberty in New York.

SCAREDY CAMP Sleeping in a tent can be a scary activity...

PIRATE SUBTITUTE the teaher is ill and the children have a new teacher...A PIRATE!!

THE OTHER BOOK OF RECORDS Ruby´s brother wants to set a new world record with...CHEWING GUM!!

NEIGHBORHOOD MYSTERY A boy sees a group of people entering in a house every sunday night...What do they do?

MYTHICAL CREATURES OF ANCIENT GREECE What were the mythical creatures ancient Greeks believed in?

MY SECRET INTERNET FRIEND Sasa Simone is a 12 years old girl that one day meets someone by the internet.

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. The story of Martin Luthr King and the way Ameriica was at that time.

KARATE Read about this awesome sport.

THE HOLLOW Three children get lost in a forest the night of halloween...

HISTORY TO CHEW The book of chewing gum. Do you know how was it invented?

HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN The book of how this tradition started.

HARD STUFF BONES .The book of bones.

EARTH QUAKES, VOLCANOES AND TSUNAMIS. Read about these amazing facts.

DEEP IN OCEAN Discover fantastic creatures in the deepest part of the ocean.

CODE TALKERS How did people talk by code in the second World War?

CINDERELLO What would happen if the real story was about a boy called Mateo who was made to work a lot by his awful and mean stepbrothers?

THE BOOK OF BLOOD Read about the amazing liquid that ciculates in our body?

BASKETBALL Read about this sport.

AWESOME ANTS These small insects are awesome...

APRILS FOOLS DAY . This day in the first days of april is fully dedicated to make jokes. what is your favourite?

ALIA AND THE FURNITURE TROLL A troll transforms Alia´s mom, dad and twin brothers into pieces of furniture. What will she do.

ALASKA , THE LAST FRONTIER Read about this part of the united States of America.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola soy Diego de 6ºB
    me he leído un libro bastante interesante y cuenta sobre los castillos,habla sobre los plebeyos,reyes y nobles,y como se defendían los castillos.Un saludo.

  2. Hola soy Diego Marcano de 6ºB
    me he leído un libro llamado los tres cerditos.Trata sobre unos cerditos que crearon una casa de palos con el dinero de sus abuelos,un día unos de los cerditos se asomo por la ventana y vio un lobo que venia hacia su casa estaba enfermo y estornudo cerca del cerdito y no tardo en echarse un gran susto.Una comadreja lo vio desmayado en la entrada de la casa de los cerditos,llevo al lobo hacia su casa y le dijo que estaba constipado.El lobo para disculparse por lo que hizo con el cerdito y terminaron haciendo una cena de amigos.Un saludo.
